Tag Archives: Phal Sogo Vivien

Bud Watch update!

Well it’s been awhile since anything was posted, so I should probably give an update.

Many plants have been growing strong.  Many are beginning their growth spurts, some have started growing that I thought were just sitting there doing nothing since I had gotten them.

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Oncidium Twinkle 'White Cap'

This is my first post of the new year, and with it comes my orchid resolutions.  Sure I have the usual ones, like getting out for daily walks, or trying new foods, but the most important ones are about my plants.

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Venus Fly Trap and other buds

Now I know it’s not an orchid, but my Venus Fly Trap is flowering.  The first bloom opened last week, surprising me.  I knew it was going to bloom, the spike is really long, but I didn’t expect it to be so….. pretty.

Venus Fly TrapSuch a delicate little flower for a plant I honestly didn’t want to get.  I only got it because we had a fruit fly problem during the Summer that had to be taken care of.  From the looks of it, I will end up with 4 flowers.  Most information I’ve found about it said that often spikes are just cut off so the plant can focus on growing.  Well I might do that in the future, but this time I wanted to see what they looked like.  I’m glad I did.  The first bloom has since dried up, but the other three are beginning so show their colour, and will probably open up before Christmas.

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Phal. Sogo Vivien

Do you ever have one of those days where you go to a store, see something you like, take it with you, him and haw about it, then decide to put it back and kick yourself for leaving it?

That’s what happened to me.  We were at a grocery store, and I saw this plant on sale.  I picked it up and brought it all around the store with me while I was grocery shopping, only to decide that I shouldn’t spend the money on it, and put it back.  Well I went two weeks, kicking myself everyday, because I figured when I went back to get it, it would be gone.

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