Tag Archives: Phal Sogo Allen

Phalaenopsis Sogo Allen

I originally purchased this mini phal at a local grocery store.  It had no tag, but was on sale and had dried, wilted blooms on it.  They were a nasty brown, so I couldn’t really see what the blooms would look like for me (other than pinkish) , but I loved the size of it and the leaf colour.  So it came home with me.

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Bud Watch update!

Well it’s been awhile since anything was posted, so I should probably give an update.

Many plants have been growing strong.  Many are beginning their growth spurts, some have started growing that I thought were just sitting there doing nothing since I had gotten them.

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Oncidium Twinkle 'White Cap'

This is my first post of the new year, and with it comes my orchid resolutions.  Sure I have the usual ones, like getting out for daily walks, or trying new foods, but the most important ones are about my plants.

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