Tag Archives: Phal Baldan’s Kaleidoscope

It’s been so long!

Paph. sukhakulii x Double Glory

It seems like forever since I posted a blog post.  I doubt anyone really reads this so it’s unlikely anyone has noticed.  But if by chance someone stumbles across this and wonders what happened…  I got sick near the end of last year, pretty sick.  I had to go in for surgery, which lead to needing some downtime to recoup.

During my lovely experience, I lost interest in my orchids.  Mostly because I wasn’t feeling well, or didn’t have the energy to deal with them.  So I kind of got into an orchid-depression.  And just left them sitting, trying to ignore them.  If I didn’t acknowledge them, then I wouldn’t have to take care of them.

But then my society came back from winter break, and I went to the first meeting, and the spark caught again.  So now, I’m trying to coax plants back from the brink of death.  Slowly but surely, I am getting interested again!

I lost a few plants during my little “break” and I might still lose a couple more.  I’m trying to fight a nasty case of rot on a couple plants, and trying to coax a few others to begin growing new roots to replace the ones that dried up while I was ill.

In the coming months, I’ll have to redo my inventory and figure out what all I lost.  But for right now I want to talk about what’s blooming.

Phalaenopsis Baldan’s Kaleidescope ‘Golden Treasure’ AM/AOS

Phal. Baldan's Kaleidescope

This lovely phal is blooming again for me.  It had a slight case of scale during the winter, my fault for not noticing.  As you can see the one leaf is a darker purple colour than the others.  It still managed to give me 6 blooms, however I lost one while moving things around.  I also didn’t get the spike staked in time.  So I decided to leave it to do it’s own thing.  I like the way it gracefully hangs.

Because of the scale, I forced myself to repot it.  The roots were amazing, didn’t have to cut any dead ones away.  I’ll be cutting in in the coming weeks so the plant can focus on healing and growing.


I grow it at room temp, under lights.

Paphiopedilum sukhakulii x Double Glory

This is my favorite paph in my collection.  Most likely because it’s the only one I’ve managed to bloom, and then rebloom.  I treated this poor thing terrible the past few months, but it doesn’t seem to mind.


It didn’t get any scale thankfully, but I will be repotting it once it has finished blooming.  This plant seems to be a creeper.  Every new growth is higher than the previous growths.  I predict this will make repotting a challenge.

I grow this one under lights and at room temperature also.

That’s it for now, I’ll try to make sure I keep this up to date, and post more frequently 🙂

Bud Watch update!

Well it’s been awhile since anything was posted, so I should probably give an update.

Many plants have been growing strong.  Many are beginning their growth spurts, some have started growing that I thought were just sitting there doing nothing since I had gotten them.

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Oncidium Twinkle 'White Cap'

This is my first post of the new year, and with it comes my orchid resolutions.  Sure I have the usual ones, like getting out for daily walks, or trying new foods, but the most important ones are about my plants.

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Late Mother’s Day Blooms

I hope everyone treated their mom’s to a great day!  This past Mother’s Day I got 2 orchids as gifts.  I got a peloric Phal. Baldan’s Kaleidoscope “Golden Treasure” AM/AOS and a Beallara Tahoma Glacier.

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