Tag Archives: Orchid species

Sophronitis cernua & FVOS 2013 Sale / Show

Group 1It’s been too long since I last wrote anything, not like anyone reads this anyways haha.  But it’s because I’ve been waiting.  Waiting for a few things, first I was waiting for my Sophronitis cernua to bloom, and then I was waiting for my society meeting so I could have it photographed by the society photographer.

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Added some new plants

Group 1

About two months ago, my friend from my Orchid Society, gave me several lights to set up a shelving unit downstairs.  I had expressed that I wanted to get out of windowsill growing because of the heat.

She also decided to give me a bunch of hand-me-downs that she no longer wanted.  She’s trying to make space for larger Catt type orchids and figured who better to give them to than me.  And honestly, what kind of friend would I be if I said no thanks.  I was really doing her a favor.  >_>  Do you believe me?  Thankfully she did.

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Vancouver Orchid Society Summer sale

Well, yesterday was the Vancouver Orchid Society’s Summer Sale.  My hubby and I made the trek into town on public transit with the tiny human (my 2 year old son).  Boy, was that an adventure in and of itself!  But that’s another story for another blog…

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Lots of new growth!

Couple weeks back, the FVOS had it’s last meeting before the summer break.  It was our silent auction to raise money for the society, and it was a huge success!  It sucks that I won’t get to go hang out with a bunch of other orchidnuts for a few months, but I’ll manage as best I can.

Everyone from the society brought something to donate for the auction.  I brought 2 freezer ziploc bags full of leca pellets.  They went for a nice amount, I was glad to contribute.  Not everything was orchid related, some people brought cakes or books, some brought totally random stuff.  But I was holding out hope that one of our members who has an extensive collection would bring some divisions to donate, and I wasn’t disappointed.

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Late Mother’s Day Blooms

I hope everyone treated their mom’s to a great day!  This past Mother’s Day I got 2 orchids as gifts.  I got a peloric Phal. Baldan’s Kaleidoscope “Golden Treasure” AM/AOS and a Beallara Tahoma Glacier.

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Spring spikes

Well I’ve come full circle it seems.  The Phal NoID (“Sylvester”) that started it all several months back, has started a spike.  It’s great news and I’m super excited about it.  I finally get to see what it looks like.

Phal NoID 'Sylvester' spike

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Another society meeting…. more plants follow me home

Group shot

It’s been a crazy few days, that’s for sure.  I got my plants from the VoS show on Saturday and then on Monday I had another Orchid Society meeting.  More plants followed me home.

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Vancouver Orchid Society Show/Sale

Group Shot - VOS 2013 show

This past weekend was the VOS’ show and sale.  I had to go to pick up a pre-order.  It was great weather when I got to Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, and there were lots of people out looking at all the displays.

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Schoenorchis fragrans and other new growths

Ludisia discolor

Valentine’s day is coming!  Which means spring is around the corner!  New growths should begin sprouting, and plants will begin growing like weeds!

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What a way to start 2013..

I decided to begin the new year sick…  I’ve caught that nasty flu that’s been going around lately.  So I’ve been curled up on the couch covered in blankets with a thermometer sticking out my mouth.  Yay… Continue reading