Tag Archives: Orchid hybrids

Vancouver Orchid Society Show/Sale

Group Shot - VOS 2013 show

This past weekend was the VOS’ show and sale.  I had to go to pick up a pre-order.  It was great weather when I got to Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, and there were lots of people out looking at all the displays.

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My first orchid society meeting

I’ve been sick the last few weeks, so I haven’t had the time to post anything lately.  Time to fix that.

Well last month I went to my first orchid society at the Fraser Valley Orchid Society.  I left the meeting as a full fledge member.  It was great, I had a good time.  The people were nice and friendly, and welcoming.  Sure they might be a few years “wiser” than I am, but that means they have more experience than I do!

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Some blooms to brighten up a rainy day

It’s pouring outside here in Vancouver, and pretty windy too.  Good old Spring is coming, but Winter doesn’t want to let go just yet.  It’s really cold!  While the weather might be dark and dreary, I have a few blooms that I think might brighten up your day.

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One step closer..

I’m one step closer to getting my Orchid Terrarium going.  I recently got a Sunbeam Warm Mist Humidifier, I’ve had it for a few days now and the plants seem to be loving it.  Many are perking up nicely, and some are growing faster.

I still have my plants in the Trophy Display case my husband brought home from his work and I’m keeping the humidity in with a long strip of plastic wrap going down the edge of the door.

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What a way to start 2013..

I decided to begin the new year sick…  I’ve caught that nasty flu that’s been going around lately.  So I’ve been curled up on the couch covered in blankets with a thermometer sticking out my mouth.  Yay… Continue reading

Well the year is almost over..

We’ve only got one day left until we welcome 2013, and say goodbye to 2012!  We’ve lived through an apocalypse, last minute Christmas shopping, and if you are Canadian like me – the swarms at the malls for Boxing Day sales.

Did Santa bring you everything you want?  Anything Orchid related?  I got an I.O.U. for orchids as part of my Christmas present.  It’s a bit too cold for most places to ship right now so I’ll have to wait until springtime. Continue reading

Venus Fly Trap and other buds

Now I know it’s not an orchid, but my Venus Fly Trap is flowering.  The first bloom opened last week, surprising me.  I knew it was going to bloom, the spike is really long, but I didn’t expect it to be so….. pretty.

Venus Fly TrapSuch a delicate little flower for a plant I honestly didn’t want to get.  I only got it because we had a fruit fly problem during the Summer that had to be taken care of.  From the looks of it, I will end up with 4 flowers.  Most information I’ve found about it said that often spikes are just cut off so the plant can focus on growing.  Well I might do that in the future, but this time I wanted to see what they looked like.  I’m glad I did.  The first bloom has since dried up, but the other three are beginning so show their colour, and will probably open up before Christmas.

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It’s been awhile…

I have been so busy lately, that I haven’t had time to post.  We had a city water pipe burst a few weeks ago, that flooded our property and part of our basement, so we’ve been in repair mode.  The house looks like a disaster zone, but the orchids were untouched.

Being so busy with trying to clean up the giant mess, I haven’t had much time to look after the plants.  I still managed to water them when they needed it, but I didn’t pay much attention to them to see about new growths and what not.  You’ll understand my surprise then when I finally had a few minutes to look at them and notice all the changes.

All the plants I purchased at the Orchid Show last month have been moved into the main case with my other plants.  So I was able to inspect each plant.

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Phal. Sogo Vivien

Do you ever have one of those days where you go to a store, see something you like, take it with you, him and haw about it, then decide to put it back and kick yourself for leaving it?

That’s what happened to me.  We were at a grocery store, and I saw this plant on sale.  I picked it up and brought it all around the store with me while I was grocery shopping, only to decide that I shouldn’t spend the money on it, and put it back.  Well I went two weeks, kicking myself everyday, because I figured when I went back to get it, it would be gone.

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What a nice weekend!

Over the weekend it was the Fraser Valley Orchid Society Show and Sale, my mother and I went for some “girl time”, and had a really nice time.  This is one of the bigger shows to go to, and I was really excited to go because they usually have vendors from all around the world.  I wasn’t disappointed!

I forgot to take my camera with me so I wasn’t able to get pictures of all the displays from the local Orchid societies, but they were amazing.  There were lots of miniatures, and some massive specimen plants there to be seen.  I was there for the juicy stuff in the next room though.

In previous years when I’ve gone, I brought a long list of plants I wanted to get, hoping I would find them there.  This year I went with a different approach, I had an idea of some I would like to get, but there was only one or two I was specifically looking for that were must haves.  Sadly for me, I couldn’t find any of my must haves, but I didn’t walk away empty handed.

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