Tag Archives: orchid bloom

Phal Golden Sun

Phal Golden Sun

This plant has been in my collection for about a year and a half now.  I got it from Wal-Mart of all places, and was shocked to see it had a tag with a name.  It was partly why I grabbed it, it also helped that the flowers were a yellow-green.

When I brought it home it had almost two dozen blooms on it, all on branching spikes.  It was potted in a coarse bark mix that had seen better days.  I had to wait a couple weeks before repotting it because I didn’t have any bark mix.

Phal Golden Sun, just purchased

Phal Golden Sun, just purchased

Once I unpotted it, I discovered it’s roots were in sad shape.  I expected as much, so I cut the dead roots away, rinsed it all off, and let it air dry for a couple hours.  It is now potted in the same pot in a nice bark mix with charcoal and perlite and some added clay pellets.

Because I didn’t have a smaller pot for it, I used the same one it came in.  So I added more clay pellets to fill up the lower half of the pot.  It grew some new roots, but was fairly slow growing.  It put out this most recent spike, and I was tempted to cut it right away, but I let it go for a bit.

The plant tried to branch the spike out, but didn’t have the energy to produce blooms on the side-spikes.  I got 5 beautiful blooms out of it though.  I sent it to a show, where is won a third place in it’s group.  Once it came back, I cut the spike and let the plant go back into grow mode.

Phal Golden Sun

Phal Golden Sun

It is now growing a new leaf, and several new root tips as roots begin to branch off the existing ones.  It will take some time for this little guy to get his strength back, but I’m sure it will continue to give me a beautiful show when blooming.

This plant gets it’s light from artificial lights, the leaves have a nice purple blush to them.  It is potted in a clear plastic pot, and sits in a decorative pot for stability.  It gets room temperature, and humidity around 50-60%.  I water it weekly with a weak fertilizer solution, with monthly seaweed treatments.

Sophronitis cernua & FVOS 2013 Sale / Show

Group 1It’s been too long since I last wrote anything, not like anyone reads this anyways haha.  But it’s because I’ve been waiting.  Waiting for a few things, first I was waiting for my Sophronitis cernua to bloom, and then I was waiting for my society meeting so I could have it photographed by the society photographer.

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Seedling update, and some introductions

Ok, so it’s been awhile since I posted again.  With the nice weather hitting the Lower Mainland, I’ve been spending more time outside soaking up some rays.  But plenty has been going on while I’ve been enjoying the sun.

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Late Mother’s Day Blooms

I hope everyone treated their mom’s to a great day!  This past Mother’s Day I got 2 orchids as gifts.  I got a peloric Phal. Baldan’s Kaleidoscope “Golden Treasure” AM/AOS and a Beallara Tahoma Glacier.

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Spring spikes

Well I’ve come full circle it seems.  The Phal NoID (“Sylvester”) that started it all several months back, has started a spike.  It’s great news and I’m super excited about it.  I finally get to see what it looks like.

Phal NoID 'Sylvester' spike

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Some blooms to brighten up a rainy day

It’s pouring outside here in Vancouver, and pretty windy too.  Good old Spring is coming, but Winter doesn’t want to let go just yet.  It’s really cold!  While the weather might be dark and dreary, I have a few blooms that I think might brighten up your day.

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Schoenorchis fragrans and other new growths

Ludisia discolor

Valentine’s day is coming!  Which means spring is around the corner!  New growths should begin sprouting, and plants will begin growing like weeds!

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One step closer..

I’m one step closer to getting my Orchid Terrarium going.  I recently got a Sunbeam Warm Mist Humidifier, I’ve had it for a few days now and the plants seem to be loving it.  Many are perking up nicely, and some are growing faster.

I still have my plants in the Trophy Display case my husband brought home from his work and I’m keeping the humidity in with a long strip of plastic wrap going down the edge of the door.

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What a way to start 2013..

I decided to begin the new year sick…  I’ve caught that nasty flu that’s been going around lately.  So I’ve been curled up on the couch covered in blankets with a thermometer sticking out my mouth.  Yay… Continue reading

Well the year is almost over..

We’ve only got one day left until we welcome 2013, and say goodbye to 2012!  We’ve lived through an apocalypse, last minute Christmas shopping, and if you are Canadian like me – the swarms at the malls for Boxing Day sales.

Did Santa bring you everything you want?  Anything Orchid related?  I got an I.O.U. for orchids as part of my Christmas present.  It’s a bit too cold for most places to ship right now so I’ll have to wait until springtime. Continue reading