Tag Archives: Neofinetia falcata x Vanda coerulescens

Added some new plants

Group 1

About two months ago, my friend from my Orchid Society, gave me several lights to set up a shelving unit downstairs.  I had expressed that I wanted to get out of windowsill growing because of the heat.

She also decided to give me a bunch of hand-me-downs that she no longer wanted.  She’s trying to make space for larger Catt type orchids and figured who better to give them to than me.  And honestly, what kind of friend would I be if I said no thanks.  I was really doing her a favor.  >_>  Do you believe me?  Thankfully she did.

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Vancouver Orchid Society Summer sale

Well, yesterday was the Vancouver Orchid Society’s Summer Sale.  My hubby and I made the trek into town on public transit with the tiny human (my 2 year old son).  Boy, was that an adventure in and of itself!  But that’s another story for another blog…

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