Tag Archives: Masdevallia ayabacana

Watering update!

So it’s been more than two months since I started watering my plants differently.  And so far, I’m really liking the progress my plants are making.  Our orchid society had a speaker come in two months ago, to discuss how he grows his plants.  And his presentation revolved around his watering regime.  The output of his plants was amazing, and everyone in my society had questions.  My friend and I decided we would try his watering technique and see how it would do for us.

Now he grows in a nice big greenhouse, while my friend and I grow under lights in our home.  So we couldn’t keep things 100% the same as him, but we tried as best we could.  Since she started, her plants have exploded with multiple growths, and many are beginning to spike that hadn’t bloomed for her before.  She’s really happy with the turnout.

I have smaller plants, more seedlings than blooming size plants, so I haven’t seen much in the way of blooming, but I have seen a LOT of new growth.  Almost all my plants are growing at least one new growth or new leaves.  All my plants are growing new roots, and they are already reaching the bottom of their pots.

Here are the 6 plants I documented a few weeks ago, and how they are doing now.

Masdevallia ayabacana:

This one has roots growing all over the place.  It’s still putting out multiple growths at the same time.  But there is no signs of spiking yet.  I’m hoping that’ll change near the end of summer time.

Masdevallia bennettii:

This one is growing similar to the ayabacana.  It’s growing multiple leaves, it seems to always be growing some.  It put out two new spikes, but one blasted when the summer heat really began to kick in.  As you can see in the second pic though, the roots on this plant are going nuts.  It started with very few roots, but now the roots go to the bottom of the pot, and out the drainage holes.  I’m hoping this means the plant will have a lot of energy and explode with blooms near the end of summer time.  This plant has definitely doubled in size at least.

Leptotes bicolor:

This one is growing well.  For the first time, since I’ve had it, it’s growing two growths at once.  They are growing roots into the pot, and I’m hoping the next time I repot it I can finally get the rest of the mount off of it.  I don’t expect blooms from this, it is still in recovery mode right now, and will probably take some time to get strong enough to produce blooms.

Dendrobium kingianum alba:

This one is doing well.  I don’t usually do well with Dend kingianum.  I can’t provide enough water to it while it’s growing and the new growths tend to desiccate.  But so far, the new growths are still shiny and new looking, and it’s beginning to grow roots out of the pot too.  Hopefully I can get it to bloom once it grows a bit bigger.

Cattelya White Bridal ‘Yuki’:

This one is growing really well.  The roots are growing down into the pot, roots everywhere.  And the new growth is doing really well.  I’m hoping maybe I’ll see some blooms from this one soon.

Dendrobium Rainbow Dance ‘Akazukin Chan’:

I’m so glad I got a replacement of this plant.  I forgot how much I love it.  It’s been blooming for about a month on different canes.  It’s roots are exploding, filling the pot real nicely.  And it seems like every time I look at it, it’s growing a new cane.  This one seems to have taken to the new watering the best.


So basically what this gentleman did, was soak Oyster shells in water for a week.  On his watering day, he waters his plants with regular tap water.  He waits 15 minutes and then comes back and waters his plants with tap water a second time.  This acts as a flushing in their pots, to remove any built up salt.  Then he takes water from the bucket that has had Oyster shells soaking in it, adds his fertilizer and waters all the plants again.

If it’s a sunny day, he uses less fertilizer, if it’s a cloudy day he uses more.  If the weather is so warm that his plants are dry by mid week, he waters again, but with regular tap water.

I have not managed to get a bucket yet to soak my Oyster shells, neither has my friend, so we added ours to the top of our media.  We use Miracle Gro All Purpose Fertilizer during growing months, and we will switch to Miracle Gro Tomato Fertilizer during the cooler winter months when growth doesn’t usually happen.

It will be interesting to see if I get any blooms for our show in October.  Crossing my fingers!

I’m thinking of trying something new, I might begin posting a monthly update video on youtube to show my plants, and how they are doing.  What do you think?  Would you watch?

Let me know!

Happy belated Mother’s Day! I’m starting something new..

Happy late mother’s day to any moms out there.  How was your special day?  I got to spend mine with my plants in the morning and my boys in the evening.

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