Tag Archives: Dendrobium kingianum

New Arrivals!

Yesterday was the Vancouver Orchid Society Sale at Van Dusen Botanical Gardens.  I sat on the bus for over an hour and a half in the burning hot sun, to see what they had for sale.  It was a member sale, there weren’t any big growers from out of country there, only one local vendor from up the valley, so I wasn’t expecting a lot.

The sale was located in the Floral Hall of Van Dusen, so we didn’t get to go in and wander around, we didn’t have much time anyways.  There was a display table, but it was just various plants in bloom.  I didn’t take a picture since there were so few plants, but they were very nice either way.

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It’s alive!!!!

It lives!!!! I cheered that a couple times this week.  It’s been a great week for growth for the chids.  The weather has been hot and bright and sometimes cloudy and humid, but nights have been cool.  It’s been great weather for growth though!  During the hot days I’ve been making sure to leave the sliding door open, the ceiling fan on, and going in to mist once or twice a day.  I’ve been rewarded for my efforts.


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Another week, another chid

Well a week has gone by since the Orchid Massacre of 2012.  The orchids seem to be recovering well all things considered.  They are enjoying their humidity tray, and since the weather has been overcast and humid a lot this week, the root growth is astounding.  My worst problem so far has been forgetting to close the door, and then having to heard all the cats out of the room.  What is it with cats loving to go where they aren’t wanted? 😛

Let’s start with the Ludisia discolor.  One of the two shoots is quickly growing another leaf (yay!).  This growth escaped with just some leaves getting munched on.  It’s laying on the medium in the pot so I’m hoping it will start growing roots and putting offshoots soon. Continue reading

Disaster strikes!

Well this week got started with lots of terrible things.  As if from a horror movie, the scary music began playing as soon as I published my post last week.  The culprits? An adorable 2 year old munchkin, and a fat orange tabby…

It was around midnight, and my son was awake because it was too hot.  He was full of piss and vinegar as usual, while I was trying to get him to wind down for bedtime.  He ran to our window, and yanked the sheer drape back, and next thing you know NoID Phal was tumbling 4 feet down to the carpet below.  It spilled out of it’s pot all over the floor.

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The collection grows… literally!

Last week I told you that I was getting another orchid from a member of a forum I lurk on.  Well I finally got it, AND I got a second one gifted to me.  So the collection is now up to five ‘chids.  My hubby picked up the Dendrobium kingianum and the Maxillaria sophronitis.

They are in great condition, even if this weeks temps have been stupid hot.  They weren’t dead when he got them home, so his life is spared for today 😀

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