Monthly Archives: March 2017

It’s been awhile…

I haven’t made a blog post in what seems like forever.  It’s been crazy here. I’ve had family members in and out of hospital, some for short stays and some for extended stays.  We’ve added a new addition to our family, I am now officially outnumbered in this house.

Through all of this the orchids have plugged along.  I admit there was a lot of neglect and many didnt survive.   My collection has shrunk drastically.  That’s mostly because I just got so busy that I lost track and began to lose interest.  When you’ve been up most the night with a screaming baby the last thing on your mind is hauling some 120 plants to the sink to be watered.  So the weak ones died and the strong ones held on.

That being said, I am trying my hardest to regain my interest in my orchids.  So I have a small oasis for me to hide in when the boys drive me nuts.  And to help me stay interested I decided to wipe the dust off this old blog and try to keep it up to date.

Back in October, our society had their annual show and sale.   While there I picked up my first intermediate Masdevallia.  I was scared I would have a repeat of my last try at masdies but from what I read, Masdevallia bennettii should handle warmer temps easily.

After the show was over, we had extra plants left from a vendor.  So they were sold off at a cheaper price.  I picked up a Masdevallia ayabacana (another warm grower) and Anguloa ruckeri as well as a noid Anguloa species.  I’ll have to get it to bloom to find out what it is.

I also picked up a Phalaenopsis tetrapis that has done well.  With Vancouver’s weird weather this winter many of the buds blasted on it but I’ve managed to keep the spike growing.  Hopefully with spring I will get some more blooms.

That’s it for now.  I will try keeping up with the blog as best I can.  Thanks for reading!