Monthly Archives: March 2013

Another society meeting…. more plants follow me home

Group shot

It’s been a crazy few days, that’s for sure.  I got my plants from the VoS show on Saturday and then on Monday I had another Orchid Society meeting.  More plants followed me home.

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Vancouver Orchid Society Show/Sale

Group Shot - VOS 2013 show

This past weekend was the VOS’ show and sale.  I had to go to pick up a pre-order.  It was great weather when I got to Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, and there were lots of people out looking at all the displays.

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My first orchid society meeting

I’ve been sick the last few weeks, so I haven’t had the time to post anything lately.  Time to fix that.

Well last month I went to my first orchid society at the Fraser Valley Orchid Society.  I left the meeting as a full fledge member.  It was great, I had a good time.  The people were nice and friendly, and welcoming.  Sure they might be a few years “wiser” than I am, but that means they have more experience than I do!

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