And the growing continues…

My last update was almost a week and a half ago.  The three new orchids are doing well, I kept them separate from the main group up until this past watering because the weather has changed.  Most of last week was a heat wave, some of the highest temps we’ve seen all summer!  The mounted plants loved it outside, I was almost tempted to put everyone out there but decided against it.  Knowing my luck, I’d forget they were there and they’d all burn to a crisp in the sun the next day.

The Leptotes bicolor is growing slowly, the new growth hasn’t really gotten any longer yet, but the new root it was pushing out has grown a few more millimeters and is beginning to turn inwards towards the mount.  Since this species is a late winter bloomer, I don’t know if I’ll be seeing any blooms from the new lead or not.  If I don’t I still have one growth that appears to not have flowered yet.

Shortly after this pick was taken, the new growth opened it’s leaf

The Bulbophyllum lobbii is doing pretty much the same thing.  I’ve had a difficult time with this one.  The woman I bought it from had told me if was a cutting from her plant that had overgrown the pot.  Well that part was obvious, roots were everywhere, it’s been a challenge to get the plant potted.  My potting job was terrible, and I’m thinking maybe I should just mount the thing and save me the trouble.  Roots are sticking out all over the place, and I’m making an effort to make sure I spray it at least once a day since I’ve heard they love water, especially when growing.  I’m hoping once this new growth is bigger and the plant roots a bit more it will upright itself and stabilize more.

The Sophronitis cernua is doing amazing!  When I got it, it looked dehydrated.  Several of the leaves were pleated, and thin.  The overall colour of the plant was really light.  Since I’ve had it, I’ve soaked it everyday for about 30 minutes a day, and set it out in the hot sun.  Every single leaf has plumped up to it’s normal size, and you can’t even tell they were pleated.  The plant’s overall colour has come back as well.  The weather changed from heat to cloudy and cold yesterday so I brought them in, it’s been sitting right in front of the window, with the help of my pitiful little grow light, and the colour is a green healthy green now.  The roots are so thick now, and the new growth is a nice purple (meaning it’s getting enough light).  I’m hoping to see the roots begin to push out new healthy tips.

My Maxillaria sophronitis is just growing growing growing!  The explosion of growth is great, I was beginning to think the plant was looking lopsided, but now with all the new growths filling it out, it looks really nice.  Since this one blooms in fall to early winter, I’m hoping I might see some blooms soon from it.  It would be great if I could get it to bloom at all, but if I got multiple blooms I would be super excited.

The Ludisia discolor is slowly but surely improving.  Both of the new growths are forming new leaves, and it’s newest growth is beginning to turn up and poke out through the media.  You can’t see a leaf from it yet, but it’s obvious it’s a new growth and not a root now.  It has the same colour as the other growths, but is already nice and thick.  Hopefully this is a good sign, and it will begin making more growths to fill itself out more.

Leaves are starting to show on my Dendrobium kingianum growths.  They are getting nice and big now, one even has the start of another new growth at the base.  Whatever I’m doing, it likes it.  This one blooms in late winter and early spring.  I won’t begin to give it it’s winter’s rest yet, but I’m hoping if I do it right, each of the four new growths will produce flowers.

The NoID Phal “Triplets” are doing great.  Each of the plants are growing about 2 new roots, each an inch long.  The leaves on all three are coming along nicely, and are making it look less sickly.  I’m hoping I can get each of these to spike, that would be quite a cute display.

The Phal NoID that I believe to be Phal. Ever Spring Prince is exploding with growth as well.  The new leaf is coming out a nice shade of green, speckled with purple flecks, and it’s robust root growth is amazing.  I have nice plump new roots making their way down the side of it’s pot and snaking around the bottom.  It even has new roots coming out between the leaves.

NoID Phal “Sylvester” is doing alright as well.  He’s losing his oldest leaf now, it’s actually yellow, barely hanging on by a thread.  It’s job is done, it fed the plant long enough for it to grow new roots, and the leaf that was new when I got it, and now it’s growing a second new leaf.  The next oldest leaf is beginning to get thin and expend itself on the production of the newest leaf as well.  But the plant is healthy, it’s like the say “healthy roots mean healthy plant”.  I’m hoping it will continue to grow at least another new leaf before the cooler temps come and I try to get it to bloom.

With the hot dry weather I finally put the cover on my humidity tray.  Man I should’ve done it sooner!  The humidity inside is about 80% in the early morning and stays well above 70% throughout the day.  I leave a fan on now all day to make sure air movement is good and I don’t get any fungal growth.

I do hope things start blooming, so I can take pictures of something other than roots and leaves :D.

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