Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Rescue Continues!

So today I was out with some family at the grocery store, and this little gem caught my eye.  I caved, and got it, it was cheap, and I felt bad.  Just look at it, it’s leaves look so pitiful, I just had to try to save it.  Plus this way I have a plant that has blooms on it now.  Hopefully they’ll last me awhile so I get my fill.

I got it for only $12, and it was a tough decision.  There was another cute little phal just like this one, with a branching spike, but it was a lot shorter.  I was leaning towards the smaller one since it was “cute” and I figured it’s small size would make it easy to hide from the hubby :D.  But my mother pointed out that this one would be the better rescue project.  It’s leaves are thin, burnt in some spots and damaged in others.  One has even been broken off near the tip.

I haven’t repotted it yet, I’m going to enjoy the blooms for a few days before I do.  From what I can see though, the roots look great, lots of nice fat green roots.  I’m hoping with some nice light, and misting every morning it’ll perk up nicely.

I did some looking on the site of the nursery that sold it to the grocery store, and from what I can tell… I think this is a Phal. Ever Spring Prince.  On the Sogo Orchids site I believe it is listed as Sogo F-1576.

I’ll take some more pics, and post them once I’ve repotted near the end of the week.  This way it will hopefully adapt to my watering schedule.

My Rescue attempt – Update #2

Well it’s been two weeks now since I got my NoID phal and decided to try getting back into the hobby.  As predicted, I’m becoming obsessed with it.  I’ve spent countless hours sitting at my computer looking at images of beautiful blooms from other Orchid growers, getting insanely jealous.  I’ve been scouring local stores and nurseries looking for cheap almost dead phals, and possibly other Orchids, and I’ve discovered that the only type of Orchid you can get in a store or Nursery now is a Phal.  This saddens me.

I’ve started making a list of plants to look for at the next Orchid Society show/sale.  But that’s still almost 2 months away.  I’m tempted to order something online, but don’t want to.  The bug has bit me bad!

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Rescue Update #1

Well it’s been a week since I repotted the rescue NoID Phal and my Ludisia Discolor.  And so far so good.  The Ludisia is super happy in a new medium, and is definitely perking up.  I’m waiting for it to grow a little longer so that I can bend it down to the soil, in hopes it sprouts roots and sends out new shoots.  Currently it only has 2 shoots, I’d like to see it grow a few more, especially if I can get it to bloom.


The NoID Phal is another story.  It’s still got nice firm green leaves, and the roots that I can see inside are still white and plump, but I can’t tell if it’s lovin the change yet or not.  Phals usually take a few weeks after a repot to start perking up, so I’m hoping if I can keep humidity high over the next few weeks it will begin to shoot out some new roots.

The leaf on my Phal is encouraging though, and it’s why I’m not worrying too much.  The thing is growing like a weed!  it’s grown an inch in the last week, and it’s nice and green and waxy.  I take this as a good sign.

I’m doing all I can to not buy some more NoID phals from the local big box stores.  So I’m lurking on orchid forums and being jealous of everyone’s beautiful bloomers, and looking forward to the Vancouver Orchid Show coming up in August.

I’ve noticed that all the old nurseries I used to buy Orchids from are closed now, and this saddens me.  The only orchids stores seem to sell now are untagged huge Phals.  There’s no variety anymore!  I guess the only way to get some new types is ordering online now, or going to local society shows.

I might just have to bite the bullet and join a Society myself.  Baby steps though.  Let’s see if I can keep this Phal alive first! 😀

Check back for photos!

Update: So I went out to take the pics to add to the post, and when taking the pics of my NoID Phal I noticed, we have a nub!  A root most likely, so this is awesome!  Here’s some more pics 😀

Getting back into the addiction

That’s right!  I’m stepping back into the addiction of growing Orchids.  Last week my hubby and I were at our local gardening store and I spotted a depressing looking Phal NoID sitting on a bottom shelf.  It was only $5 and I couldn’t help myself.  He got it for me as an impulse buy and that fed the beast.

The leaves looked good, nice and green, and firm.  The roots at the top seemed green, though it had to aerial roots.  I don’t know what colour it is, so if I can get it to grow and rebloom then we’ll see what I get.  It’s probably just a boring white huge flower, with a little yellow on the lip.  Normally I hate white phals, I’m more interested in yellow ones but whatever, an Orchid is an Orchid.

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